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The TEC bubble - plenty of buoyancy!
Technical sidemount diving has experienced an explosion of popularity in recent years. Technical divers look to go deeper for longer and to be able to efficiently and safely carry multiple cylinders. Sidemount offers many open water advantages. Building on our expertise and experience from the STEALTH 2.0 classic the STEALTH 2.0 TEC is the perfect solution for technical sidemount diving.ncy
The new TEC Wing is the answer to all advanced / technical divers who simply need more lift and stability for their long and deep dives. The newly developed TEC Wing with approximately 19 kilograms of lift is firmly connected in three places with the STEALTH 2.0 Harness and remains firmly in place during the entire dive.
Although the TEC sidemount Wing is more voluminous, it does not mean that the streamline has to suffer. With carabiners and flexible straps at the outer ends of the wings, the bladder is secured at the front of the waist belt. so that even with fully inflated Wing this always rests close to the diver.
Another feature is the ability to use the inflator on either the right or left side.
The STEALTH 2.0 TEC adapts to the diver and not the other way around!
On request, the wings of X Deep can also be ordered in different colors, see pictures. Please enter here under "color request" or at the end of the order in the customer text field.
Hersteller / Manufacturer:
ul. Tenczyńska 6
32-566 Nieporaz
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